Hailee Steinfeld on Self-Care, Filipino Food, and the Key to a Good Hair Day

What’s a beauty trend you’re currently obsessed with?

I’m very into this blush moment. When it comes to me doing my own makeup, it’s a very minimal look that I go for, but for whatever reason, blush was never part of it until recently. And I love that little pop of color. I love a good multi-purpose product. You’re using it for your cheeks, throw it on your lids and your lip. That’s always fun.

What is your go-to getting ready music?

I was going to answer this like it hasn’t been the same thing for the last over a year, but SZA’s SOS Deluxe: Lana album is my most played everything. She’s the coolest person ever. Maybe sometimes it depends on what the energy is going into the event. That checks all the boxes though. If I’m looking for something calming, there’s something in it that feels calming. But then it also just gets me on my way and feeling good.

Fill in the blank. I feel most beautiful when____.

I feel most beautiful when I am doing what I love or surrounded by people that I love.

You travel a lot. What place or city gives you the most beauty inspiration?

Oh, that’s a great question. This might sound corny, but I really do feel like there is beauty everywhere. And one of my favorite things to do in this city is jump in a cab and people watch from there. There’s so many people that walk the streets of New York City that just walk with such a sense of purpose and independence, from their stride to their clothes. There’s people walking, biking, skateboarding. There’s so many different walks of life. In the back of the cab, I feel like I’m in a music video vibe. I’m always so curious about where these people are going. I’ve been coming to the city since I was very young, and I’ve always felt that New York has a level of style that is hard to come by. I love this city for that.

What’s your favorite way to unwind?

It’s not always easy, but just fully disconnecting. First thing to go is the phone. Just putting my phone away, the computers, all the gadgets, all the connections to outside noise. Cutting that off, being in nature, being with my dogs and again, loved ones and just leaning into just what really matters at the end of the day. I think it’s so easy to get caught up in all the outside noise and cutting all that off for a while and a good breathing technique. Just checking in with myself and listening to my body and giving myself whatever I need in that moment. And that could be five minutes alone, that could be on the phone with a friend. It could be whatever it is. It’s different all the time, but whatever I can do to feel disconnected from everything.

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