Emma Myers on the 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder' Twist She Saw Coming—and the One She Didn't

Yeah, we have time. We go out for dinner, we’ll go to a pub or something. We mostly hang out at each other’s apartments though, just doing random stuff.

Do you have a group that paints with you or is that a solo activity?

That’s a solo thing. Sometimes I need my days to myself, so I take that as a little activity to do for me.

I know that you’re into K-pop as well. Is anybody else on the cast with you on that?

Just me.

Have you tried to get them into it?

No, I don’t like when people force their music taste onto me, so I’m not going to force my music taste onto other people. If I have my speaker on and people are over and a song comes up, so be it. But I’m not one of those people that sends a million songs or, “Hey guys, you should listen to this group.” I let people do their thing.

To get back to Pip, would you want to do a season two? Is that in talks at all right now?

I’d love to do one. If people love the show and want more, I’d love to finish it out. I hate starting something and then not finishing it. It feels strange. But for sure, if people love it and respond well to it, I’d love to do another season.

After solving this murder and finishing school and looking to the future—how do you think Pip is doing? Separate from wherever the second book takes her. How do you think she’s feeling?

Probably overwhelmed. Graduating high school and solving a murder and then going to a really big school afterwards is a lot. Tacking on top of all the stuff she went through last year, she’s probably a bit overwhelmed. Poor girl needs a break.

Just saying that made me realize you probably experienced a little bit of that big moment when Wednesday came out. Do you feel like your life changed a lot after the success of the show?

Kind of. The day after the show came out, I actually started shooting another film, and I was so busy with that that I didn’t really pay attention to how big it had gotten. I gained a lot of followers, I knew that. But I thought, oh, people just mass follow people after a show comes out anyways, it’ll go back down in a week or so and it didn’t. That was really crazy.

It wasn’t until I went home for Christmas that my mom was like, “You realize how big this show is, right?” I was like, “Yeah. People like it.” She’s like, “No, it’s like…it’s huge.” It did change after I started noticing it, after I started getting stopped all the time when I was in LA. That’s when I was like, this is really weird. What’s going on? Why are all of you watching my show?

You’re like, “That’s just for me!”

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