What actually caught my attention was something Meghan said about juicing (stay with me here).
She posed a question that got me thinking: Is your juice worth the squeeze?
At first, I chuckled. A metaphor wrapped in citrus wisdom, how very L.A.
But the more I sat with it, the more I realised how relevant it is to life, business, and, of course, real estate.
The Juice vs. The Squeeze in Real Estate
Real estate is a high-stakes game. We hustle, negotiate, market, manage relationships and, let’s be honest, deal with situations that would make even the most seasoned therapist raise an eyebrow.
Some deals come together smoothly, others feel like you’re squeezing a rock and hoping for orange juice.
So how do we know if the squeeze is worth it?
- The Client Conundrum – We all know the ones. They take up every waking moment, question every decision, and demand the impossible.
But at the end of it all, is the transaction worth the stress? Are they a lifelong client who will send referrals your way or just a one-and-done ordeal that leaves you emotionally drained
- The Listing Labyrinth – That one property that should sell quickly but somehow becomes the longest-running show on the market.
Is it just a tough nut to crack, or are you holding onto something that’s wasting your time and energy?
- The Growth Gamble – As professionals, we’re always told to level up, grow the team, expand the business, take on more. But at what point does more become too much?
When is the squeeze leading to real juice, and when is it just sucking the life out of you?
Making the Squeeze Count
Here’s the thing. Not every opportunity is worth the effort.
The key is learning to recognise when the juice is fresh, vibrant, and full of potential and when you’re just endlessly wringing a lemon.
So as I sit here sipping my juice, and when I say juice, I mean something that pairs well with a cheeseboard, I challenge you to ask yourself:
- Are you squeezing the right things in your career?
- Are you investing your time where it truly matters?
- And most importantly, is the juice actually worth it?
Because in real estate, just like in life, If the squeeze leaves you exhausted and empty-handed, it might be time to pick a better fruit…