Pelosi Has Seriously Delusional Moments With Bill Maher About Illegal Aliens, Kamala Harris

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I’ve written a lot on how out of it Joe Biden has become. Indeed, he’s so out of it right now, he seems to be already gone even before his time occupying the office is up. 

But I would have to admit he doesn’t have a corner on the delusional when it comes to the Democratic Party. One of the people most responsible for helping to shove him out of the race – Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) – proved how off her rocker she and Democrats who think like her are during her appearance on Bill Maher’s show on Friday. 

Maher asked her about a bill the California legislature passed that hasn’t been signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom yet that would allow illegal aliens to get 20 percent, up to $150,000, in government down payment assistance to buy a home. That’s bad enough. What Pelosi said next made it even worse, as she tried to use Ronald Reagan to justify this and said it wasn’t “free houses,” it was the “American dream being available to more people.” 

Yeah, no. Ronald Reagan never said, “Let’s give down payment assistance to illegal aliens.” It wasn’t just Reagan, though. 

She also invoked the Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty did not have at its base, “Please enter illegally and we will give you lots of money.” 

She even tried to throw George Herbert Walker Bush into the mix, saying he was for “diversity.” 

Pelosi then appeared to argue in favor of spreading this type of law, “California is always in the lead, maybe others will follow, but that’s up to those states.” No, you and California are insane, and sane states will not be following you. 

But this is where Democrats would like to take us. Making the dream of home ownership is something we have to do for people who are here now, she said. 

Maher stresses to her that this includes the “undocumented.” That doesn’t phase Pelosi at all as she says she wants to move illegal aliens to be “documented.” Then there would be this bad comment, “One of the best things we can do for the economy is pass comprehensive immigration reform.” 

I already wrote about how free money for down payments (which isn’t really free) is already a bad idea even for American citizens because it was economically illiterate and would make everything worse. Kamala Harris has already proposed this and she got ripped into next week by former President Donald Trump and X owner Elon Musk. This new California addition makes it even more ridiculous with illegal aliens. 

Bill Maher did manage to needle her about “discouraging people to run” – a clear reference to Pelosi helping to shove Joe Biden out the door. 

She claimed, “People make their own decisions.” 

Maher responded, “Thank you so much for what you didn’t do.”  He had been a big proponent of replacing Biden because he had been predicting Biden was going to lose. Pelosi smirked like the conniver she was. 

“When Joe stepped down, did you want it to be an open convention as opposed to going right to Kamala?” he asked. 

Pelosi then claimed,  “It was open. Anybody could have gotten in. She wrapped it up.” 

Talk about delusional. It was handed to her and there was no open aspect about it. She was simply anointed, which is the very opposite of open. She didn’t “wrap up” anything, she didn’t have to do anything. 

Pelosi says things like this that have no basis in reality and she thinks everyone is stupid and/or people will just lap up what she has to say. 

But it’s typical Democrat — lying about everything. 

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