Biden Team Manages to Offend Two Vital Voter Groups With the Same Florida Event

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We’ve been noting how Joe Biden is in trouble with some groups he desperately needs to hold onto if he hopes to have any chance in the election. One of those groups is Hispanics. He’s also in big trouble in Florida because it’s become so much more red, and now even has a registration advantage for Republicans. 

So the Biden team being the Biden team — somehow they managed to offend both of those groups in one event, something that our friends at Townhall also observed. 

The Biden campaign had a Hispanic outreach event in the Miami area, and the Miami Herald‘s Fabiola Santiago wrote an op-ed about it that is just savage. She doesn’t hold back. She rips apart that the Biden team sent Doug Emhoff, Kamala Harris’ husband, which she interprets as them not valuing the outreach effort there. 

Sending the Second Gentleman, as charming as he is, means we aren’t an important state. He isn’t a top presidential campaign surrogate in the party like the Obamas and Clintons. He’s not a rising star relevant to Latinos like California Senator Alex Padilla, son of Mexican immigrants and climate change combatant, credited with passage of the POWER On Act to address disasters. Or like eloquent New York congressman Hakeem Jeffries, in line to be speaker of the House if Democrats regain the majority. 

Democrats could have brought to town Biden’s education secretary, Miguel Cardona, a respected educator born in Connecticut of Puerto Rican parents. He could’ve eloquently taken on the diminishing value of a Florida education based on GOP political indoctrination, the way the state is alienating instead of embracing minorities, and the appointments of the governor’s cronies to important education posts.

Democrats also could have brought to the launch Biden’s Cuban American Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas — and pushed back very publicly locally on the sham effort by Republicans, including the Cuban Americans from Miami in Congress, to impeach him.

This was her headline. Oomph. 

Now you might think the Democrats would take that criticism and if they truly want to do outreach, they might ask Santiago what she thinks and try to reach out more. 

Instead, they chose to be confrontational with a very important voice in the area, and be upset with her honestly characterizing Emhoff as a secondary player. 

Journalist Roberto Tejera didn’t respond well to their reply, pointing out how many people don’t even know who Doug Emhoff is. 

Not a smart move when you alienate the folks you’re trying to reach out to, so that they feel like you think they’re second-rung. Marc Caputo encapsulated it.

Gotta love it, but it reflects what a mess the Biden campaign is at this point; they don’t know what they’re doing. And it truly does show they’re not valuing either Hispanics or Florida voters at this point

At the base of it all, I think, the left will eat left even more–as they get more and more nervous about what they see when they look at Biden. The polls show more people moving away from them and toward former President Donald Trump. The prospect of losing is going to become more and more real.


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