EXCLUSIVE: Green Beret Afghanistan Veteran Rep. Waltz Thrilled Marine Iraq Vet Vance Trump's Veep Choice

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The Florida Republican congressman, who is also an Army Special Forces Afghanistan veteran, told RedState he is proud that President Donald J. Trump chose Ohio’s Republican Sen. J.D. Vance, also a veteran of the Global War on Terror, as his 2024 running mate at the Republican National Convention held here July 15 through July 18.

“I’m thrilled to see a veteran on the ticket, for him and all the Marines out there,” said Rep. Michael Waltz, who also served as a senior national security staffer in the Trump White House. “I don’t think you have to be a veteran to be a good elected leader, but someone at a very early age who is willing to die for this country and understands leadership, followership, discipline, teamwork.”

Vance served in the Marine Corps from 2003 through 2007 as a photojournalist and public affairs noncommissioned officer, which included a tour in Iraq.

The Virginia Military Institute graduate said Vance brings a vital perspective on national security and defense, especially Republicans’ work to rebuild America’s credibility on the world stage.

“I think having J.D. in the VP’s office,” he said. “The vice president is often the last to talk to the president before making a key national security decision; I think that will be incredibly important.”

Waltz said one of the most damaging blows to America’s credibility was President Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s handling of the fall of our allied government in Afghanistan and our withdrawal from Kabul.

“You had the worst disgraceful debacle in American history–I think even worse than Saigon with the withdrawal from Afghanistan and not one person held to account,” he said. “The Pentagon needs to be held to account.”

The Boynton Beach, Florida, native said as a member of the House Armed Services Committee, he is leading the effort to bring the Pentagon to heel, including for its irresponsible handling of public funds and its decision-making.

“Everything there costs twice as much, takes twice as long to build, and delivers half as much as it should to the Soldier,” he explained.

“In one of my hearings, I held up a bag of nuts–literally like bolts and nuts that cost a hundred bucks in a hardware store,” the author of Warrior Diplomat: A Green Beret’s Battles from Washington to Afghanistan said. “They were certified to go on any plane that we all fly on but to go on a Defense Department plane, they’re $90,000, a hundred dollars bag of bolts–$90,000 that the Defense Department’s paying for them,” he said.

“I think it’s just a perfect example of how the bureaucracy is going out of control,” he also said. “Enough is enough. Let’s hold them to account. That’s what I do every week on the Armed Services Committee in terms of accountability in this administration.”

Waltz said while the Defense Department wastes money, it has its priorities skewed, such as when it cuts critical muscle, such as personnel strength in special operations units, shedding the most highly trained warriors in the inventory.

“I am blocking and tackling some of the cuts to our Special Forces,” he said. “You can’t mass produce somebody with those skills when you need them–I think it’s incredibly shortsighted.”

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