Heartwarming Tales of Terrorists Blowing Themselves Up

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We’ve recently read some heartwarming stories concerning terrorists in Lebanon being separated from their mortal coils as they were blown up by their own pagers. Israel had no comment other than (I’m guessing) Mossad agents giving each other high-fives for a job well done.  

RedState’s Susie Moore wrote:

I’m not sure who had exploding pagers on their Bingo cards for 2024, but why not? As Bonchie reported earlier:  

In one of the most unbelievable developments of 2024, Israel somehow hacked into the pagers and cell phones of Hezbollah fighters and caused them to explode. News of hundreds of injuries, including dismemberments broke on Tuesday morning. Shortly after, videos of devices blowing up began to circulate. 

Israel can’t admit to blowing up terrorists using pagers, but everyone knows it wasn’t lithium batteries that just all-of-sudden blew up at the same time. It was carried out by a nation-state intent on ending bad guys. If they weren’t ended, they at least lost the use of some appendages. Technology has been used to great effect, eliminating terrorists or terror infrastructure. In 2021, Operation Olympic Games destroyed a cluster of Iranian centrifuges used, no doubt, to forward Iran’s nuclear bomb program. It was a cyber bug planted by Israel and the U.S. Other terror plots were foiled, not by sophisticated logic bombs or technology but by just dumb luck – and I mean dumb. As in, terrorists can be really dumb.   

Eight years ago, Sevdet Ramadan Besim decided he was going stuff the pouches of kangaroos with explosives, then paint them in Islamic State colors. Apparently he thought the ‘roos would just sit there compliantly. He intended to set them loose on the streets of Melbourne. No, seriously, Besim thought that he could corral kangaroos and maybe convince them to jihad themselves for the “cause.” He got caught before any kangaroo could beat him senseless and disembowel him. But my favorite feel-good dumb terrorist story happened 12 years ago in Bangkok, Thailand.  

Three Iranian nationals were plotting an attack on Israeli diplomats using “sticky bombs.” The botched plot started botching when the rented apartment of three inept terrorists went…“boom!” 

In March 2012, the Bangkok neighborhood shook when the apartment exploded, and three bloodied men staggered out of the building. The terrorists (who I will code-name Manny Moe and Curly) went in different directions. Saied Morad (code-name Curly because his hair was likely curled from the blast) was a 28-year-old Iranian [former] soldier. Curly was bleeding from his ears to his feet. He was carrying what witnesses described as a backpack and two black boxes. The black boxes were devices with green wires sticking out of them. Bloody Curly tried to hail a cab. The cab driver, seeing a bloody man who was perhaps still smoking from the apartment blast, refused to stop for Curly’s hail. In response, Curly tossed a bomb at the cabbie. Kaboom! 

Curly had one bomb left. As the police closed in, he tried to toss his last bomb at the cops. Fortunately, his sticky bomb got stuck on something, and it boomeranged back at Curly and blew up, with the blast removing Curly’s legs from the rest of his body. It also removed his right eye. The police arrested what was left of Curly. Unfortunately for Curly, he didn’t get his 72 virgins on that fateful day. He survived. Curly appeared in court missing his legs and right eyeball, but he was still able to raise a defiant fist in the air. His defense was classic: “I had no idea where the bombs came from.” He was shocked, shocked to find bombs in the cupboard. Curly claimed he had opened the kitchen cabinet and instead of falafels, he found…bombs. RUN! he told Manny and Moe. Curly took the brunt of the bomb blast. Unlike Curly’s legs, his defense didn’t fly.  He was convicted and sentenced to 28 years in prison. Manny and Moe were also arrested and sent to prison.  

The story of Manny Moe and Curly doesn’t have a completely feel-good happy ending. All three were repatriated – sent back to Iran in exchange for an Australian woman who Iran had managed to nab and arrest on trumped-up charges.   

One hopes that Israel continues to “allegedly” blow up terrorists using the terrorists’ own pagers. One hopes that Iran continues to send dumb terrorists out into the wild, only to manage to blow themselves up or manage, as was the case for Curly, to separate himself from his legs and eyeball. 

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