The Current Kamala Corrective Measures Have Been Taking Place for Years – Recall the Harris NATO Blunder?

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It is amazing (though paradoxically not surprising) that the media industry behaves as though we cannot discern their full in-the-tank position with Kamala Harris. They have spent the past two weeks literally rewriting her history on multiple political positions, selling these bald-faced lies as if her record is something that would defy basic research. 

We were inundated with the farcical attempt to rewrite her immigration responsibility, with a flood of news outlets attempting to claim Harris was not actually the Border Czar. Add to this, revisionism is also taking place with her stance on guns, reversing her pledge to ban fracking.  She is now pro-police, and the press is trying to rewrite her backing of bailing out rioters. And good luck trying to pin down where she is on healthcare after once saying she wants to rid us of private insurance.

The press is working overtime to flip the Harris script on these and even more issues, like her federal jobs guarantee. The sham in all of this is how often the press needs to contradict themselves in order to sell this refurbished version of Kamala. Even on the topic of her lineage, there is a conflict, as the desire by the Associated Press to scorn Trump as a racist managed to become debunked by themselves.

This need to have others clean up Kamala’s comments and her record is not a new phenomenon, and it is something we witnessed years ago that should be looked at as both revealing and concerning. It gives us a window into the overmatched condition Harris is in regarding global affairs, especially with a charged topic like the war in Ukraine.

Harris had given a speech on the matter when addressing the DNC Winter Meeting. Even in the case of a prepared speech, we are able to relish that trademarked Harris word salad. Behold as we get her classic repetitious cant as she sounds like she is addressing first graders, all while managing not to say anything of relevance.

You all did that work. And, you know, sometimes you make it look easy, but it’s not. It’s hard work. It’s difficult work. It’s around-the-clock work. It’s work that requires great sacrifice in terms of the other commitments in your lives. And you do this work on behalf of people sometimes that you meet, on behalf of people that you don’t meet. You do this work on behalf of people that may never know your names, may never know my name, but will be forever impacted and, to our mission, uplifted because of the work of the people in this room.

But more than this majesty, Kamala managed to completely bungle something basic regarding our international allies and NATO. In her desire to underscore the commitment of our country to the Ukraine cause she let slip that she regarded that nation as part of the NATO alliance. 

Harris makes it seem Ukraine is a NATO nation in her comment. This raised all kinds of eyebrows, as the members of that alliance have been clear, at least at that time, that Ukraine was not to be under consideration to become a member. It also could have stoked the aggression from Vladimir Putin, as he has expressed his main antagonism is in regards to NATO expansion. 

Once this blowback was realized, the revisionism kicked in. Harris had sent out a tweet that repeated her line (captured here in the internet archive) that was then taken down roughly an hour later. A new tweet was sent out with a slight but significant revision – the word “and” was inserted, and the addition of that conjunction managed to alter her meaning. This was also done in the official White House transcript of the Harris speech.

So I will say what I know we all say, and I will say over and over again: The United States stands firmly with the Ukrainian people [and] in defense of the NATO Alliance.

This was yet another indicator of Kamala operating beyond her depth and the need arising to have her record repaired for the sake of propriety. Hers is a record filled with problems that the press is willingly working to repair. As this episode shows, her problems — and the cleanup attempts  – have been in place for years.

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